Jessica Li (Growth Marketing @ Zageno)

Jessica's thoughts on creating leverage as an investor through personal branding, why specialization is dying, and why she is leaving venture to join the operator side.

For our second guest, we had Jessica Li who recently left her role as an investor at Soma Capital to join Zageno in a growth marketing role. Jessica is the definition of an overachiever, and when she is not busy with her day job, she doubles as head of content at Elpha, is a top venture capital writer on Medium, and advises for a number of other startups and organizations.

In this talk, we ask Jessica about:

  • what sparked her interest in startups and venture capital

  • how she creates personal leverage through branding

  • why she believes specialization is falling out of favor

  • why she is leaving venture

  • her main lessons during her time as an investor

Check out the full talk below:

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