📶 April 2022 Update

Revenue update, lessons from our experiments, and content from the month

Confluence.VC is the operating playbook for venture and growth equity investors. Since launching, membership has grown to include:

1,721 members 👥 from 1,216 unique funds 💸 across 151 different cities 🌎

Want to get more involved?

What went right:

  • New website design. We now have a pretty good understanding of website architecture after spending the past two months overhauling our site (I've linked our outline here, and our website is www.confluence.vc if you want to check out what we've changed). Good websites should do one of two things: increase revenue or cut costs. The new design should make it easier for visitors to understand our different offerings, get value from us, and act on the items that can help them and their business.

  • New syndicate lead. We officially brought on James Roche to help lead our syndicate. Reach out to him if you haven't gotten a chance to connect yet (he has a ton of good deal flow and is a great person to know within the startup world).

  • Two syndicate deals. We have two syndicate deals live right now (check them out by backing our syndicate). Both companies are venture-backed with a lot of early progress.

  • More offerings for recurring revenue. We've opened up more options for recurring revenue on the partner side (other companies that want to do co-sponsored content, projects, etc.) which we think will be a larger percentage of our revenue split. We have not started to announce this to partners, but that will be a larger focus for us in May.

  • In-person event soon. We're close to announcing an in-person event in the fall. We'll keep everyone posted on this, and we hope to have it officially locked in next month.

What went wrong:

  • Slow growth. Our MRR number stayed flat. We're working through a number of different ways to fix this, so we aren't too worried.

  • Churn. We had two members churn. Churn sucks, but we were able to get some better feedback on why they left so we can work towards solutions.

Lessons from the month:

  • The only “independent thought” you own, is deciding who to listen to.

  • Skills mean absolutely nothing without influence. You can be the best in the world at something, but it's a useless skill if you're not discoverable. Be discoverable by establishing influence.

  • Salaried employees have the worst tax structure of any type of worker. By having your taxes taken out before it ever hits your bank account, you're giving the governement an interest-free loan every year. The more you rely on salary, the more tolerant you become of this.

  • Life is literally all about reps. Whoever refines their process the most, wins.

MRR Update:

Links we like:

🔒 Confluence.VC Wisdom #17 + #18

Featured jobs:

Join our talent collective if you want to get access to 100+ vetted investors that are looking for new roles. The first month is free using the code 'Firstmonthconfl'.


If you’re looking to become a master in building community…

The Community Builder Playbook walks through the steps we took to create a profitable online community.

Building an online community has leveled up my life over the past two years, and I want to share that knowledge so you can do the same.This playbook includes 23 lessons on:

  • Creating a community from scratch

  • Convincing people to join

  • Scaling the right way

  • Monetizing your work

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